Select one of the options below to see more information.



学术顾问可以帮助你制定有意义的教育计划,帮助你实现你的目标, whether it is to continue your education at a four-year college or university, to prepare for immediate entry into the job market, or to develop skills for career advancement or personal growth. 顾问可以帮助你选择合适的课程,并建议你的课程,加强你的自给自足和自我指导.


在那之后, 所有选修课程的学生都将被指派一名指导老师协助他们安排课程, making schedule changes (add/drop) and completing withdrawals from classes. 


The faculty advisor may also assist students with academic, 职业, 教育和/或个人问题, 但会根据需要将学生推荐给心理咨询师.

Students should maintain regular contact with advisors. The advisor completes the graduation certification for his or her advisees, 所以定期联系是至关重要的.


有时, students may have conflicts with instructors regarding grades or other classroom policies. 学生应该投诉吗, he or she is responsible for following the Grievance Procedure found in the 目录 & 学生手册:

  1. 学生将首先与教师或其他与担忧相关的学院人员会面,并尝试在该层面上解决问题. However, if a satisfactory resolution is not achieved, the student will proceed to step two. The student has five (5) working days to proceed to step two.
  2. The student will meet with the other party’s Dean or supervisor in a personal conference. The Dean or supervisor has five (5) working days, 在这次会议之后, 将他/她对此事的决定传达给学生和相关的学院员工. If satisfactory resolution of the concern does not result from the conference, 学生可以提交一份 书面申诉 within five (5) working days of the Dean’s decision with the Dean of 学生服务.
  3. The Dean of 学生服务 will refer the unresolved grievance, together with all supporting statements and the aggrieved student’s written request, 大学司法委员会.
  4. 学院司法委员会应在学生服务主任转介听证会后五(5)个工作日内举行听证会. Judicial Board hearings will be conducted as specified in the Judicial Board bylaws.
  5. 在作出决定时, 司法委员会应只考虑在聆讯中提出的证据,以及司法委员会认为有关的口头和书面论据. 在聆讯后的五(5)个工作日内,司法委员会应根据聆讯结果提出建议,并将建议提交有关各方.
  6. If the decision of the Judicial Board is not satisfactory to the student, 他/她可以在五(5)个工作日内以书面形式要求院长审查司法委员会的调查结果. The President has five (5) working days to render a final decision. 主席的决定是最终决定.



Counselors in 学生服务 are available to assist students with educational planning, 职业发展, 以及学术上的担忧.  They can help you explore your interests and identify career and life goals. 辅导员直接与教师和管理人员合作,为学生提供准确的信息,因为他们做出了关于学术计划的决定,并保持有关转学机会的最新信息. They can help you address issues related to career indecision, 学术困难, 时间管理, and other obstacles that may be hindering your academic and personal success.  WCC辅导员是一个很好的资源,可以提高你对大学支持服务的认识.

WCC关心我们学生的情感和身体健康,以及他们的学业成功.  我们致力于采取积极主动的方法来帮助我们的学生取得成功,同时维护一个安全的社区.  WCC的辅导员可以帮助学生解决可能阻碍他们在学术生涯中取得成功的个人问题, unless their behavior may pose a threat to themselves, 给别人, 或者社区.  While WCC does not provide mental health services, 我们确实向教员提供适当的推荐, 工作人员, 通过我们当地的学生 山罗杰斯社区服务局


WCC职业教练 work with area high schools to help students transition from high school to college.  此外,WCC辅导员和 三人组 项目工作人员访问高中,帮助学生留在学校,并让他们了解WCC的项目. 



我们很高兴地宣布 CREDITS2CAREERS (C2C) — Virginia’s Community College System’s (VCCS) 学术 and Career Portal.

C2C is a personalized virtual counseling tool that will provide military-connected users to:

  •   Explore academic degree programs offered by all 23 community colleges.
  •   Instantly get an estimate of potential credits from their 军事 education, 经验, 和培训.
  •   Personalized exploration of civilian careers related to their military training and specialties; personal interests; or recommended by interest evaluations.
  •   接收实时就业信息,帮助军人和退伍军人学生做出明智的高等教育决定.



博彩平台网址大全, 退伍军人事务认证官员作为与布法罗地区处理办公室的联络人, NY. 我们的目标是帮助退伍军人和/或退伍军人的家属与申请和认证过程. Students who are eligible for the Montgomery GI Bill ® under chapter 30, 31, 33, 32, 35, 1606, 或VEAP学生均可在本办事处的协助下申请各自的教育福利. 退伍军人事务部要求所有学生参加官方课程,以获得证书或学位,以便获得福利. 你必须每学期联系你的退伍军人事务部认证官员,完成必要的表格,以建立和维持你的福利资格.








如果您从未使用过GI Bill®:

If you have used your GI Bill® at another institution

After 应用ing of VA Benefits (or changing place of training)

  1. Once you have registered for your classes please complete the 退伍军人事务认证申请表. This form will need to be completed each term you register for classes.
  2. If you drop/add classes during the term you must complete the 退伍军人 Affairs Change of Election Certification Request Form.



WCC的学费支付政策:学费和杂费由学生根据学历上规定的日期支付. Students' classes will not be certified with the VA until payment for tuition has been made. VA benefits are reimbursements, not scholarships. 唯一的例外是那些已经获得VMDSEP, CH 31或CH 33福利的学生.  Students' are responsible for their books/supplies for their classes.



WCC的美国退伍军人学生协会是学校官方认可的组织,也是美国退伍军人学生协会的国家认证分会. SVA's main mission is to provide veterans with resources, support and advocacy needed to succeed in a college setting. 



Information about the 退伍军人 program can be found by clicking here.


  • 学术, 金融, or Disability 咨询 and other information about completing courses at WCC, 联系人: 蕾妮·托马斯, rthomas@wcc.个电流.edu, 276-223-4752
  • VA主要福利热线1-800-827-1000
  • 退伍军人事务部教育热线1-888-442-4551
  • Lisa Murrell, VA Certifying Official 276-223-4706, lmurrell@wcc.个电流.edu
  • 传真:276-223-4807


For useful information about planning your college education, we recommend the 弗吉尼亚教育奇才.


三重奏学生支援服务Student Support 服务 (SSS) or " Project AIM" began at WCC in 1970. It is a federally funded 三人组 program sponsored by the U.S. 教育部. 我们的使命是为235名合资格的学生提供支援服务,以提高他们的学习成绩,以提高他们的保留率, 毕业率和转学率.




  • Workshops on student success topics such as study and test taking skills, 时间管理, 金融知识, 金融援助, 笔记, 等.
  • 个性化关注,个性化支持(这是学生谈论最多的服务)
  • 学术指导
  • 财政援助完成
  • 向四年制院校提供转学援助
  • 大学之旅
  • 职业评估
  • 有机会与其他WCC学生交流

Who is eligible to take part in student support services (Project AIM)?

  • First generation student whose parent(s) or guardian has not earned a 4-year degree
  • 收入的资格
  • 有残疾证明的学生


  • 完成项目AIM申请
  • 提交下列其中一份文件的副本:
    • 联邦所得税申报表
    • 美国国税局纳税记录副本


  • Stay enrolled in a certificate or associate degree program
  • Seek assistance when there are issues with classes, scheduling, 等.
  • Attend at least one advising session each semester
  • Maintain contact with your assigned Project AIM counselor throughout the semester
  • 参加工作坊和研讨会

Project AIM is located on the lower floor of Bland Hall in the One Stop.

三个工作玛丽亚·怀特,主任, mwhited@wcc.个电流.edu or 276-223-4791

史黛西·伯切特,律师, sburchett@wcc.个电流.edu or 276-223-4739

薇姬·马尔斯律师 vmarrs@wcc.个电流.edu or 276-223-4754

行政助理黛比·帕克特 dpuckett@wcc.个电流.edu or 276-223-4822


博彩平台网址大全不以种族(或历史上与种族有关的特征,包括头发质地)为基础进行歧视, 头发的类型, 还有保护性发型,比如编辫子, 锁, 和扭曲);, 性, color, 国家的起源, 宗教, 性取向, 性别认同, 年龄, 政治面貌, 遗传学, 资深地位, 怀孕或分娩, 或在其他方面符合其教育计划、活动或就业资格的残疾. 以下人员已被指定处理有关非歧视政策的咨询:Malinda Eversole, 人力资源总监, 卡罗尔大厅105号, 东主街1000号, 弗吉尼亚州威斯维尔24382, 276-223-4869. 欲知更多资料, 请参阅OCR执行办公室的列表,了解为您所在地区服务的办公室的地址和电话号码, 或致电1-800-421-3481.